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7:29 a.m. - 2010-12-30
Obsessed mother
Well, I was inspired to write again after talking to taterfay yesterday I better hurry. Am I unhealthily obsessed with my daughter or am I just in touch with my inner earth mother and enjoying living in total domestic bliss? (not) (well sort of now, but only because my mom isn't here driving us crazy -- will I drive Penelope crazy one day?) I'm not sure. Am I an annoying attachment parent? Do I care? I've quit my job to "stay at home" and I sometimes think of it more as "DIY" mothering rather than stay-at-home. That is more appealing and harkens back to the punkrock DIY way of life. More appealing than feeling like a suburban housewife. But then I'm not in suburbia, I'm in rural Iowa so maybe I can be a radical living off the land housewife? Almost, but not quite. It could happen though. I keep planning to make my own cleaning products. The philosopher is doing soup prep now. Going to make Portuguese white bean and kale soup today. Penelope is so fascinating. Did I mention she is Aquarius with Leo Rising? I find that to be a fetching astrological profile. Another plan - now that I have no day job, could I become a professional fortune teller in town perhaps? I've always meant to, but where to begin? Is fortune telling against the city ordinance here I wonder?
p.s. to catch up - since the entry before this had me pregnant, well: I had a baby and she is almost two.


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