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1:47 p.m. - 2008-09-11
psychic link
The philosopher and I are psychically linked - this morning as I lay in bed I saw a bowl of chicken barley stew in my mind (because I'm always planning the next major meal). Then, when I arose, I found a note downstairs from him suggesting chicken barley stew for dinner! You see?
My series of vivid sex dreams has ended, unfortunately. In addition to the "masturbation machine" dream I had a dream about an Arab doctor testing my "sexual response." That one may have been influenced by a House re-run. I had a couple more, but can't remember. I think pregnancy makes for intense dreams...well, today I had peanut better/banana/sunflower seed/honey toast, string cheese, 2 crackers with cheese, curried chicken salad (with grapes and celery and red onion) on grain bread and a bowl of kale/veggie/white bean soup and one mug of soy milk chai, 2 glasses of water and one glass of pom juice with water.
But now I need a nap. I also started some books, including one called spiritual midwifery that has the best photos of beautiful happy hippy couples with babies, giving birth, etc.
Now, I will eat a kiwi and take a nap or take a walk. OH, I also had 5 prunes with the toast.

Oh...don't tell anyone, because I promised not to tell but my philosopher thinks that Sarah Palin is "hot" or a "MILF" (mommy I'd like to fuck). That's about as low as when Dream Boat confessed he thought George W. Bush was "kinda cute" in a "dumb, frat boy way." He said that last bit to try to make it not sound as bad.


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